Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Crypts

It has taken me a little over a year to get my butt on a tour of the New Orleans crypts. They are amazing and our tour guide, Lloyd, was fantastic. I took an obscene number of photos and was missing having my canon EOS 500 - I SO want a digital one. But my little cheapo olympus still took some nice shots. I love the iron work, the crosses, the gothic romance of it all. I also love how it looks like downtown grows out of the crypts.


Leigh C. said...

I would NOT complain about the camera quality if I were you. You have a great eye, and that transcends any equipment are using.

Keep it up! your shots are beautiful.

NOLA Cleophatra said...

I like the random palm tree in the middle of the "city of the dead." Nice pics!

Anonymous said...

Where are you, lady? I hope everything is ok....I miss your posts!

Mark Folse said...

Drop me a line to markfolse AT rocketmail DOT com if you like. I had an invite to forward to you if you're around Xmas weekend.