So please go here to the Boston Globe article and get angry, get understanding of why the people in New Orleans feel abandoned by their country and are still saying NO we are not OK!!
It is hurt, it is limping, it is sore but New Orleans is alive 'n kickin'!!! This is my blog of living in this amazing city as it slowly rebuilds and reforms because the world just has to love New Orleans!!!
From all I have heard, I am pretty sure that most of the north east gets it.
After all, they saw their homeland defense and anti-terrorism funding shipped off to Iowa and S. Dakota, because (if I remember this correctly) New York was lacking in National Monuments. Yeah, they get it.
Good point Celcus!!
Hhhmmm let me see ... what political persuasion are those cities .... hhhmmm ... oh yeah - Democrat!! Where as Dakota, Iowa far more sensible Republican!!!
Hhhhmmmm New Orleans let me see.... oh yeah doesn't vote with the rest of the hicksville right wingers in Louisiana - I guess being "right" is what matters!!
It's absolutely abhorrent the way New Orleans has been ignored...you can find an update on Larry f'ing Birkhead/ANS/Dannielynn or whatever nauseating 'celebrity du jour' story any time of the day or night, but NOLA has been removed from the radar.
Oh, it so chaps my hide--it is but one of the reasons that I'm appalled with our governmental institutions. And I'm equally appalled with the the media, because for the most part, in their pandering to the government, they have neglected to offer much coverage, if any, to keep this travesty in the forefront.
Not all Americans have forgotten...but you wouldn't know it based on what the area still looks like.
Thank you so much for your comment!! I think the great thing about this Boston article is that it gets more word out there in the country for people to realise what we are living with down here. Only last night a friend told me that he'd heard that allegedly there has supposedly been 125 billion spent on New Orleans but I don't believe it - there is no evidence on even a quarter of such money here. We sure should use some though....
If there wasn't a war .. I wonder ... but there would probably be another way to screw this city...
Thank you for your anger and outrage - we need all the pissed off people we can get right now!!
2008 can't come fast enough!
Best Wishes
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